Week 3: learning theories and multimedia project



Firstly, we were discussing about Basic Courseware Design and aspects.
Then, Prof Jamal was explaining about the diagram and aspects of designing of Multimedia Project:

In this process there are three major part:
1.Information Design
2.Interaction Design
3.Visual Design
While some factors, also can be mention:
1.Learning Theories like Behaviorism, Cognitive, Constructivism
2.Teaching Strategies like inductive, deductive and so on....
3.Learning Style like visual learner, audio lerner , interpersonal and so on...

To mor knowledge:

The Multimedia Design and Communication programme subjects fall within four main areas:
  • Business Studies and Project Management
  • Communication and Dissemination
  • Visualisation and Concept Development
  • Interaction Development

The Wheel of Competencies

… shows all the different fields of the Multimedia Design and Communication programme divided in these four major areas. This wide range of subjects is what makes multimedia designers flexible and adaptable co-workers and project managers.

The Multimedia Designer (MMD) with focus on:
  • Interaction Development and Programming
    works with the planning, structuring, realisation, implementation, testing and maintenance of websites and web applications.
  • Communication and Dissemination
    can work with communication in a broad sense both on the Internet and in the production of other multimedia products. On the basis of analysis the MMD plans a communication strategy that is relevant to a given sender and identifies the relevant target group and its needs.
  • Business Studies and Project Management
    can identify the tasks of a given project and the client’s objectives. The MMD analyses the organisational objectives and strategy of the client, the needs of the users and the relevance of the product for the users.
  • Visualisation and Concept Development
    has a good eye for designing user interfaces. On the basis of a methodical concept development – if relevant, in collaboration with the client or team – the MMD can transform complex information to a user-friendly and clear graphic expression. The choice and design of typography, colours and pictures form part of the competences of the MMD, who is also able to integrate relevant media effects, such as 3D, animation, video and sound, in the production.


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Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Educational Technology
