Week 14: Final Presentation

  This week was the latest class in this semester. Students run the final presentation by this week.

I’m so appreciated my lecturer Prof. Dr. Jamal, and I hope all classmates to get sufficient knowledge in this course.
Good luck for the teacher and students.

Week 13..Group Discussion

In  this week we don’t have class but for do final presentation we need group discussion.


Week 12: Testing Category

Why we need to evaluate multimedia courseware?

§  Ensure functionality (effectiveness)

§  Ensure performance (efficiency)

§  Customer / User acceptance

 Levels of Courseware Evaluation

 §   Formative Evaluation & Summative Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

§    Identification of lesson features that need modification.

§   Ongoing process

Summative Evaluation

§   Signature authority

§   Not used for modification

§   Used for purchase or adoption decisions

Dr. Jamal explain for match the multimedia courseware problem with testing category we need. The answer is below:

Types of Testing

Multimedia Courseware Problem

Content Testing
Misspelled word
Wrong Picture
Poorly written paragraph
Functional Testing
A link does not work
A cool “mouse over” does not work
The site only works using Windows 7
Usability Testing
Hard to get to page 3
A picture has too high of resolution
Users can’t tell which thing they can click on.  

Week 11: Visual Design

Visual Design is the design working in any media or support of visual communication. This is considered by some to be a more correct terminology to cover all types of design applied in communication that uses visual channel for transmission of messages, precisely because this term relates to the concept of visual language of some media and not limited to support a particular form of content, as do the terms graphic design (graphics)[Need quotation to verify] or Interface design (electronic media).

These are the ELEMENTS of Effective Design. 

1. Format & orientation
2. Grid systems
3. Eye movement
4. Theme

6. Closure
7. Contrast
8. Anomaly
9. Emphasis/focal point

The LANGUAGE of Design
  1. Unity
  2. Variety
  3. Hierarchy
  4. Proportion
  5. Scale
  6. Rhythm
  7. Repetition
  8. Proximity
  9. Symmetrical, Asymmetrical and Physical balance
  10. Shape
  11. Space
  12. Line
  13. Size
  14. Color
  15. Texture
  16. Typography
  17. Composition/Layout

Week 10: Presentation of prototype

All groups presented the prototypes of themselves and Prof Jamal made comments to improve the some prototypes.

Week 9: Prepare prototype presentation

Prof Jamal informed all students, have to prepare prototype presentation, and I improved knowledge about Flash software and prepared prototypes, that mentioned following: 

Week 8: Mid Semester Break

 Mid Semester Break ( 1 week) 7- 15 April

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Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Educational Technology
